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I'm proud to be a member of the Zero Waste Bloggers Network. Click on the icon to get to the Website. 

What is the Zero Waste Lifestyle?

The Zero Waste lifestyle is a lifestyle where people try to reduce the waste they produce as much as they can. We cannot completely eliminate the waste we produce; we will always make some waste. BUT there is so much unnecessary waste we produce, which can be eliminated!

Examples of the Zero waste lifestyle is not using disposables, like plastic forks, plates, to-go coffee cups, but using your own reusable packaging, e.g. glass jars, cloth bags, etc.

The vegetables and fruits we buy - for example onions, potatoes, apples - could be bought without packaging.

As many other Zero waste bloggers said: Zero waste is not a new lifestyle, it is just reawakening the lifestyle our ancestors lived.


This description is just to give you a broad idea of what the zero waste lifestyle is about. There are a lot more exciting things to explore.

Why live a zero waste lifestyle?

Here are a few advantages of this life style:

  • Not having to carry out the trash (and not missing the dates of bringing the trash outside)

  • Health

    • You renounce eating fast food

    • You stop using plastic, which is actually really harmful for you ... 

Why should I renounce using plastic?

The human body absorbs chemicals which are added to the plastic. Harmful chemicals from the plastic on the landfills can go into the soil and groundwater. The plastic floating on water can be used as transportation for species which can disturb the wildlife of the other ecosystem. People are exposed to the chemicals in plastic by water, air, food, drink ...


Interview with a Dumpster Diver

What is a Dumpster Diver?

A Dumpster diver is a person who goes to dumpsters of shops and fishes out products or food in the hope of finding something useful. Many Supermarkets throw away food which is still edible and are not stale. Often they throw it away because they think nobody would buy it or because it has reached the expiration date. Generally the food which reached the expiration date, is still edible.  


What are your reasons for dumpster diving?

Main reason: Because I am at odds with the current economic system

Because I am very critical of the overabundance of food in our society and...

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